Basic Rules We Should follow In Any Social Media Community.
Content:- We should not use that content which is not ours. We can't claim ownership of any "Content" that we post. We should have certain rights to use such Content to our services. We can't post any
Content which is pornographic, abusive, or violates any third part.
Restrictions:- You are restricted to sell any kind of products through Social Media. Social media is a place where you can submit or share stuff like any helpful content, Tips, Latest News, Images, Videos,
etc. But you can't sell Directly your products there.
Eligibility:-A. You should be more then (13) years of age or older
B. What you want to promote on social media should not violate any law or regulation.
They can delete Your Profile Without any warning.
Multiple Accounts:- Yes you can create multiple accounts but not from the same industry. You should not create more then one account to promote any stuff. They must have some algo which can track you easily. They will terminate your account any time.
Terms:- There are some terms & conditions in each social media website which you should read before creating any account. We will get lots of help from FAQ & Terms.
Photographs & Videos:- You should not post a photograph & video of another person without that person's permission.
Abuse:- If we attempt to abuse any another user or person then the person can send a report for us & we will be terminated from that community. We are not here to abuse any one, social media is a place where we can find some good mutual friends & we can create a good network.
Spam:- To send unwanted emails to any other users is a Spam. If you are sending invites continuously to users who don't know you is a kind of spam. You should follow the rules before sending invites to any one because they have option to report you.
Effects of Termination:- social media websites can terminate your account or they can ban your IP as well. After this you can't logg in with the same IP. It's not easy to create a good network on a social media but if we do one mistake they can kick us out. So it's our responsibility to follow the rules & play a safe game.
Affiliate Website:- We can't submit any affiliate websites on social media because it's belong to sales. In social media community we can't sell products directly.
These are some important points we should follow before joining any social media community.